
Fair distribution incubator for safe deployment of ERC-20 tokens.

8 min readFeb 17, 2021

With 2021 roaring to a flying start; we have all seen a next-level hype building behind Meme coins, Decentralized Finance (DeFi), and the Cryptocurrency space in its entirety.

Number go up.

During this period of rapid development, many DeFi “protocols” have taken the spotlight. In particular, Meme coins and “Based” projects —

We have what many thought was the under-DOGE of the crypto world on top. GameStop & AMC stock rebase coins, rPepe, CAT, PUG, Bulldog and “food” coins galore: All this, flourishing from grass-root movements, and the power of the people.

We choose where the value is.

In this pivotal point in societal evolution, and in the current state of the world and its markets, the hype created by a group of people with a singular goal in-mind has proven beyond a shadow-of-a-doubt, to be unstoppable.

People are beginning to awaken to the immense power they hold as an individual, and how much that power really compounds when it is connected with that same power lying within others.

They’re realizing that; and the power of Elon Musk’s tweets…

Well… mostly Elon Musk’s tweets…

Surprisingly for most, people buy and sell every single one of these different meme coins every day.

Unsurprisingly, half of these coins started with a pre-sale, raised the $ETH they desired, and promptly deleted and dumped their accounts. Or just straight-up pulled the rug.

The other half did a pre-sale, listed their coin but dumped huge shares of “team tokens” in the pool… thus diluting the average investor’s share. Leaving them feeling rugged, ragged, and “rekt”.

However, throughout the turmoil: A whole new sector arose from humble beginnings. Founded by incredible teams, and the power of connecting people worldwide. In the ways the internet was originally intended to work.

This leads us to 3 very important outcomes:

1 — People: When working cohesively together as a team, on a dream, can accomplish everything that they set out to.

2 — People: Will buy anything and everything. Not withholding all things conforming to a prevalent meme; especially in the current market scenario and its conditions.

3— People: Need the protection and guidance from a united community that fundamentally includes everyone. They need a place where freedom of expression and passion exists and thrives. A place to come together and truly share in abundant knowledge, instead of negativity.

Those who choose to enter on these conditions; are provided access to multitudes of like-minded individuals within; who can provide their own unique intellect on the topics of their own unique passions.

This model fundamentally; includes everyone.

Thus, it is absolutely necessary for a platform to arise in which people may not only come together for these reasons, but to invest into these different types of coins and projects safely.





Valhalla DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) is an incubator for the safe launch of Ethereum-based (ERC-20) tokens.

We will be providing the kick-start and launchpad required for the best up-and-coming projects in the space. Anonymous or otherwise.

Whilst also providing the safe-haven investors need to speculate on the finest Meme coins and other projects, backed by various teams.

Source: Legendary @chillhalla chat member who requested to remain anon.

While working on the platform, we analyzed all things Crypto since the inception of Bitcoin, previous Bull-runs and Bear-attacks (patterns in the markets)… and particularly, we have paid close attention to the things that worked last year; where DeFi truly started to shine.

We’re finding a way to implement the ideas and features that deserve to be re-implemented. Whilst adding our trademark flair, style, and eye for the finer things.

As we always do; we adapted, improvised, and we definitely overcame.

We chose to Re-purpose only the greatest of ideas into internationally-relevant and revolutionary products within the Valhalla ecosystem.

Valhalla comprises of 3 main elements working in synergy to boost the performance of the entire platform.

Creating revolutionary; first-of-its-kind liquidity incentives:

Farm $VAL at Farmhalla

“Not bhed” — Satoshi Nakamoto

$Valhalla ($VAL) — The native token of the Valhalla DAO Ecosystem.

Valhalla has succeeded in its first goal to start out on the right foot.

Following in the giant footsteps of the great and mysterious inventor of Big Daddy Bitcoin; Satoshi Nakamoto.

We have successfully grafted his philosophies by creating, launching, and developing in a completely decentralized and fair manner.

Although of course, as we always do things — with a sprinkle of our own flair and aptitude: By bootstrapping liquidity through uniquely incentivized farming.


The farming contract includes a simple 1-click liquidity provision mechanism in order to minimize Ethereum gas charges. This also helps to make the sometimes daunting process of farming more streamlined and accessible for all.

Total supply of the token is and always will be 8888.

Genesis reward emissions started at 4444, and the rewards halve every 8 days, with the initial $ETH stake locked for 8 days to assist liquidity stability.

Due to the intentionally deflationary supply; the token value increases as time goes on.

$VAL token will be the gateway to the platform and will be necessary to participate in the platform’s incubated projects.

$VAL’s diamond-handed holders will be incentivized for continuing to hold — Through the provision of a multi-tiered structure of benefits, the details of which will be announced at a later date.

With an extensive marketing plan set out, a host of new partnerships awaiting announcement, and game-changing integrations chomping-at-the-bit to be released; across many fields, the foundations have been laid for the inevitable takeover of VALHALLA.

Across all the networks, and throughout all the realms. Our reach will find you.

Gather your tools.

And now: The party really starts to get groovy…


$LiquidsenditDollar ($LSD)

The Ultimate utility token; used as a currency within the Valhalla Ecosystem Launchpad.


ValDAO are achieving this magnificent feat through the incorporation of top-tier programming craftsmanship, embedded within the coding of the token, so as to optimize its usage on the relative network/blockchain it is being traded on.

Therefore; taking full command of each and every avenue of technology that DeFi has to offer. While breaking down the politics and the current woes known unfortunately by many; as “industry norms”.

All the while, continuously thinking outside of the box and creating our own rules that benefit the majority.

The capacity for integration is implanted within the code; this is including and not limited to the awesome potentialities, and capabilities of the Ethereum Network, The Binance Smart Chain, and beyond…


$LiquidsenditDollar ($LSD) — Is the ticket.

$LSD — Fueled by previously unthinkable and unperceived tokenomics; is an “elastic-supply” token. “Pegged” to the price of $VAL.

This means, in short; that as time goes by > with the increase in price of $VAL > the value of $LSD increases.

With an increase in demand for $LSD > an increase in the total supply of $LSD follows.

$LiquidsenditDollar $LSD will be used as the platform’s utility token for the secure and “trustless” execution of operations and transactions on the launchpad.

All token sales conducted on the launchpad will be purchasable with $LSD.

Increase in the supply of $LSD > with increasing number of sales conducted on the platform > results in an impenetrable boost of the liquidity of all tokens #sent (listed) on the launchpad.

And now.

It’s time.

For the greatest liquidity generating protocol of all time.


Oasis Launchpad

Oasis Launchpad is a platform for token sales. Where projects are purchasable and exclusively listed with the $LSD token.

Oasis does this while improving on the industry standard for multiple essential safety mechanisms that many take for granted.

The launchpad includes the ability to lock liquidity for the safe vesting of team tokens, as well as the portion of funds allocated to liquidity.

All the required information regarding the funds from a token sale are available to the investors prior to investing in the project. This gives credit to anonymous teams raising funds as well as protects the investors from being “dumped” on.

Fund raising is an integral component to most projects launching on UniSwap.

However; multiple malevolent parties have become leeches upon the speculative fervor of unsuspecting investors. They have come here with the sole intention of exploiting users and stealing their funds.

We experienced the worst sides of this new world first-hand in our early days. And we’re here to prevent, and put an end to the misery caused by these parties: Once and for all.

For the sake of the people.

The problem: Despite the availability of services to provide “proof-of-locked-liquidity”, and vesting of team tokens… Investors are still ultimately left to the discretion or whims of the team.

Essentially — It is up to them whether or not they will utilize said services; that you paid them for, after raising funds for them, within the particular auction platform they launch on. Not cool.

If you haven’t already noticed. Streamlining and improving transparency is what we’re here to implement.

Through Oasis: We will help to maintain and manage a safe, trustless enforcement of the liquidity-lock and token vesting. Throughout the entire process.


Fundamentally: Valhalla aims to provide the safe haven necessary for the continuous work on innovative ideas, products, expansions, integrations, value-creation mechanisms and general goods and services within a tight-knit community — That only accept the best for themselves. And so logically, can only expect the best from us.

We tackle things with an empathetic approach, love for each other, and a focus on fun — not FUD.

And with the dedication to the improvement of general wellbeing AND education of the masses everywhere; being the energy that drives us forward — may we all dine in Valhalla.

And so it is.

Links: — Ecosystem home — Farming — Twitter — Telegram chat & updates

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Fair distribution incubator for safe deployment of ERC-20 tokens.